Using industrial hemp in building

Building with Hemp.

One of our specialities is building with hemp - which is a highly versatile and sustainable building material. Hempcrete, as it’s known in its construction-friendly format, is made by combining water, hemp aggregate and a lime-based binder. This product can then be used to create building products including fibreboard, wallboard, roofing tiles, insulation, panelling and bricks.

Building with hemp helps create breathable walls which prevents mould and regulates humidity. This is a key feature of creating healthy-homes. Hempcrete is a vapour permeable building material, with moisture buffering qualities. Hemp homes create a passive humidity control system that reduces the occurrence of issues like moulds and rot. Other qualities include:

  • Hemp has high thermal and acoustic insulation;

  • Hemp is fireproof and termite resistant;

  • Hemp’s life’s cycle from production to curing and carbonating in it’s wall form is carbon negative;

  • Hemp is a renewable & regenerative material.

“Hemp-based materials have emerged as a favorable alternative to traditional industrialized materials, presenting a multitude of benefits that could revolutionize the construction industry.”